Posted in 30 Days of Truth, Post A Day Challenge

Do Epic Shit

(30 Days of Truth – Day 27: What is your vocation (why are you here on earth)?)

Being good is commendable, but only when it is combined with doing good is it useful.  ~Author Unknown

I was put on earth so that I could do epic shit. Don’t laugh. I’m sure this is why I’m here. You’re still laughing, aren’t you? Well, let me explain.

Since I was a very little girl, I’ve had dreams of grandeur much bigger than a little girl should have. I wrote about these hopes in my very first ever blog entry. I always envisioned myself as being extraordinary. However, I haven’t quite done extraordinary yet.  Well, I have but, I haven’t. What I mean is, I have been blessed with the experiences I’ve lived. Now I want to do it, not just live it. I no longer want to be a passive participant in this thing called life. I want to make change happen. I want to affect people’s lives with my heartfelt actions.  And here’s my plan.

I will surround myself with epic people. These people will be ordinary people, just like me, but they will have extraordinary dreams and extraordinary intent. They will have ideas and they will implement those ideas. They will see their dreams come to fruition. And I will be there to witness it, to participate in it, and to take pleasure in the glory of the transformations they initiate. I will watch faces light up at the mention of their name, and I will hear the tales of the lives they’ve enriched.  I will observe these people and I will learn from them. I will shout their messages of love and gratitude for the world to hear. I will savor every second I can in their presence and I will soak up their creative genius.

I will take epic action. I will not spew empty promises of doing deeds I have no intention of doing. I will not stretch the truth about those things I am capable of doing. I will satisfy needs where there are needs. I will sweat and stress and I will lose sleep. I will put my heart and soul into my actions and I will provide strength when others are weak.  I will stand in the shadows and quietly guide the warriors of good. I will, without hesitation, brazenly follow my epic leaders into battle. I will accept offers of help when those offers are sincere, and even when they aren’t. I will take care of myself both physically and mentally so that I can give 100% when the call for action comes.

During this past year, the call did come and I experienced a feeling of appreciation unlike any I had felt before. It was a moment in which all of the sleepless nights and hours of dedicated focus culminated in a single magical moment. I watched the presentation of a check to a man whose only mission in life is to help other people. That check was made possible by the hard work of a team of people who came together for the sole purpose of making a difference.  To watch men and women cry tears of gratitude made my heart so big I thought it would burst. Hours of time and tons of energy were devoted to make someone else’s dreams possible. It was a life changing event for me.

Who needs drugs or alcohol when you can experience the high of changing someone’s life?

Now I want more. Like a drug, I want more and more and more. I feel that my desire to help others in even the smallest of ways is going to be my life’s work. I can’t find the words to sufficiently express the love and satisfaction that fills the heart when you show others, through your actions, that they matter. I want to position myself within the local and global community to make life better for just one person. If I can do that, I will have done the epic shit of which dreams are made.

Okay, Universe, there is its. I’ve put it out there for you. Now let’s see what we can do to make it happen.